The current Region 5 leadership believes now is the right time to put together the structure necessary to encourage and develop future leaders within the Region.  One of the ways this can occur is by leveraging the Committees/Activities within the Region.  These Committees are run by experienced Masters and other leaders in the Region.  By having additional staff work with existing leadership, we have an opportunity to pass on hard won knowledge and experience and reduce the overall workload on each individual.

Current Committe Structures

Training Clinics

Dan Camp/Training Bonanza/Regional Clinics – volunteering to teach at Regional clinic events.

Owners– Master Chandler and Master Paprocki

Members– Emily Yothers and Nick Walters

Black Belt Testing Fitness

Will attend Regional Black Belt pre-tests and tests.  Assist in grading the fitness performance of candidates.

Owners– Master Jansa and Master Perkins

Members– Saul Easley and Mindy Perkins


Will attend Regional Tournaments to provide assistance to all participants and spectators.  Answer questions and provide crowd control. 

Owner– Master Brace

Members– Master Engel, Marc Oster, Jeff Kotalik

First Aid

Have licensed medical experience and are willing to be available at Regional Events to provide First Aid as needed.

Owners– Master Perkins and Mindy Perkins

Members– Jeff Leon and Dawn Roman

Social Media

Doing what all the young people do with social media to promote Regional events, communicate Regional news, encourage Regional participation

Souvenir Table

Alyce Deakin


Design Regional T-shirts and event posters

Luc Pesenti


Bring the fun at Regional events! Order food, and provide activities for social events. Will require meetings/discussions prior to events.

Local Host

In charge of finding a venue for Regional events and coordinating hotels. Interfacing with the Entertainment committee to determine evening activities and locations


Manage regional judging certification written exam, practical, and training

Owner– Master Chandler

Members– Master Q, Master Paprocki and Saul Easley


Design, develop and implement fundraising ideas to increase the level of our scholarship fund.

Design, develop and implement fundraising ideas to increase the level of our scholarship fund.

Owner– Master Perkins

Regional Demo Team

Help design, teach and implement Regional Demo Team performance.  Willing to attend Regional events.  Willing to coordinate and conduct practices outside of Regional events.

Master Q, Bridget Jansa, Ana Juvan, Tiana Loula, Jaelin Straham

Event Photography/Video

Willing to attend Regional events.  Have an eye for athletic photography and video. Willing to sort through and communicate media to the Region.  Use media to create memories and advertising for future events.  This person may not be able to be a participant at the event. 

Saul Easley, Emma Phillips, Anthony Wynn


Ensure that everyone is assigned properly.  Team assignments, ring assignments, registration packets, etc.  This requires work 2-3 weeks prior to the event.  May require some local travel.

Community Service

Design, develop and implement community service ideas including Region wide service events.

Owner– Master Holly Inoshita

Member– Kelsey Hoerauf

Setup Committee

Schlep the Regional gear. Attend events early to set-up.  Travel to help load gear before events. Travel to events early.  Stay late to tear down and travel back to help unload. 

Packet Pickup

Manages packet pickup tables at Regional events and ensure that all participants receive proper information, T- shirts etc. Must arrive early for events and might miss early portions of events to facilitate all participants

Carol Shea, Becky Berro, Gini Gorlinski, Helen Jacobson, Jennifer Leon, Jeff Leon, Michelle Paprocki, Kyle Schaefer, Aimee Stevens


Willing to help distribute awards at Regional Tournaments. Help manage inventory, contribute creative ideas for awards/trophies especially at Extravaganza events

Owner – Master Holly Inoshita

Members– Steven Easley and Catalino Tolejano


Have experience with Word Press/HTML to help with website development and management

Margaret Lippert